So I had a LinkedIn Poll the other day, about failure and its relation to success.

Interestingly, a large percentage claimed that failure is necessary as part of success.

It is the story that we have been told. Since we are born. The story that if we don’t succeed, we have failed.

➡️ “Get good grades.”

➡️ “Study and get a good job.”

➡️ “Be polite and succeed at work.”

❌ If you don’t belong to THAT group, you learn to label yourself as a failure. ❌

❤️ And we LOVE to read stories about those that beat the odds, and succeeded, while suffering, and getting hurt.❤️

📺 Just watch Netflix and you know what I mean.

😳 Or read any announcement online promoting a course. It is based on the premise that the person teaching desperately failed, before succeeding. And now shares his or her knowledge so that you too can succeed.

It is a psychological game and we all fall for it.

❓The question was…… Do we need to fail before we succeed?

I like to challenge that statement, as many of you did. 🙏🏻

But I would like to add the following questions:

👉 Did you ever succeed without failing?

👉 How much do you need to succeed, before you fail?

👉 How much do you need to fail, before you succeed?

👉 Saying that, what kind of context do you refer to?

This is just the beginning.

When you learn good #NLP, you learn to identify those limiting belief statements.

And then challenge (politely) them.

Honestly, I could ask at least 20 questions reading this statement made, haha.

👉 The aim? To challenge our own thinking, and get more resourceful.

👉 Instead of labeling us as a failure (which is an Identity Statement, thus even more damaging), I’d rather say…..

“There Is No Failure, Only Feedback.”

✅ NLP, really has something to offer to help people gain new thinking strategies, in these trying times. And this is missing, in the toolbox of many people.

We accept statements, without challenging them.... and that is something that is so really needed. (excuse the English!)

To go to the LinkedIn Post click here. 

Reach out to me, if you want to know more!

Categories: Beliefs, Mindset, NLP