Taking A Break Between Tasks

So busy.......No need to rest.......Powering through the tasks......Ticking off the boxes.....

My scenario.

When I work on something.....

......be it a proposal for corporate training
..... a coaching proposal
......preparing for a webinar
….. or even just write a LinkedIn Post.

There is a time when this task is completed.

I send off the proposal .......Complete the preparation .....Submit the post......

Sighing, that the task is finally finished.

I then take a break.

..... Play with my cat....... jump on my trampoline..... browse the news ......heck, I sometimes take a nap...

❓ My question is …… ❓

Is this normal?

What do you do?

Do you instantly turn your attention to the next task on your to-do list?

Or, do you take a break between your tasks? (I do!)

And, what do you do when you take a break, and how long is the break?

Share it in the comments……

Categories: : Personal