NLP In Sales

Smash Through Objections Without Losing Rapport

Get To Yes, Without Being Manipulative

Become Irresistible In Your Sales Presentation

Know What To Do, When Your Client Rejects Your Ideas

Overcome Objections. It's been said that in a sales situation, there is always one buyer. The one that is being sold - either your client, or you, as a person attempting the sale. How about having plenty of tools at hand to level that field and make it happen, for you? 

It's Not About Manipulation. Be ethical. You learn tools that you can use against the other person. These linguistic tools are irresistible. But, I'd like to say that this is about your reputation. You might be able to manipulate a person once, or twice, you it is about your reputation, and words go around. Stay honest and use the tools to also help your client make up their minds.

It's Going To Be Fun. You learn conversational tools. Tools that you can also use beyond the sales environment. In your personal relationships, or when you are in a "normal" discussion. These are the tools politicians use to "get out of trouble". Tools, you have heard, but most likely wondered .... how do they do that. Now you can learn them as well.

Why Would You Need To Learn Sales Skills?

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You know that you product or service is awesome, but you can't get your message across
  • You struggle to response when someone rejects your offer
  • You are not quite clear how to manage objections
  • You feel frustrated because you know that your service or product is the best for the other person
  • You are good in sales already, but need the extra juice to enhance your skills
  • Your point of view is always coming across wrongly
  • You are tired of hearing "no" all the time
  • You prefer to see smiles on other people's face, instead of doubt, about you, your service and your product
  • You have big sales goals, they are frightening, and you really want to achieve them
  • You feel that you deserve to get better conversationally
  • You want to learn the tools that other Masters Of Conversations use already

!! What Is In It For You !!

Build Instant Rapport With Anyone

It is possible to build rapport easily to make the other person feel good. And this can happen no matter who the other person is

Manage Your Mind While Busting  The Objections

We don't learn HOW to manage ourselves while busting through objections. It is a special mindset that is required and you can learn this here. 

Apply The Skills In The Real World

The course contains practical examples that you can instantly use in real life. Or, you can add and amend them to your own situation. It's going to be fun!

Manage Objections While Staying In Rapport

Normally, people's minds get hardened, when you respond to their objection. How would it be when instead, they actually enjoy your response? 

Understand The Buyer's Mindset

People don't want to be sold. They are skeptical. Learn, what you need to do to get them to trust you. And it might be astonishing how easy it will be to understand the other party's mindset. And once you get that, you will appear like a conversational magician. 

Feel Goo About Your Conversational Skills

So many people feel bad after getting rejected. And so many are scared to manage and bust objections. They rather swallow their pride and hope that the next time gets better. I can't promise you that every time you sell, you will be successful. But you will learn to feel good about yourself. And that is what counts. 

!! Take A Look At What You Are Going To Learn !!

Course Curriculum


Learn Anytime From Anywhere

You can learn it from anywhere and anytime. You will also have access to it from any corner of the world and at the most "outrageous" time. Your course is really in your hands.

Learn At Your Own Pace

You have time to take the course. No rush - even so we recommend that you schedule sufficient time to study. Why? Because you want to feel the impact of your course, and reap the results in your life.

Be Part Of The Crowd

You get access to our Facebook Group. Here, you can network with like-minded individuals and get to know other outstanding people. We share more knowledge in this group as well.

Start From Zero - End As A Hero

All you need to be is curious. And apply the learning to your life. That's it! Some of the pattern that you learn will be easier, others a bit harder. Some you will like, others maybe not. But practicing and applying it in your real life is the most important criteria tother with a good dose of curiosity 

Access To New Material For For Life

We regularly update this course. Once you are part of it, you get these updates for free. Forever. So you can always stay atop of any new development. New techniques. Techniques that propel you to new heights. 

Receive  A Certificate Upon Completion

Upon completion of course, you can get a beautiful Certificate of Completion showing that you are able to master objections in any situation. It's yours and you can proudly show it to the world

Your Facilitator
Andreas Dorn

I teach individuals to break through limiting beliefs, release negative emotions and learn to manage their minds to create their life the way they desire and deserve. 

The methodologies I use are NLP, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy® Techniques, and the Language and Behaviour Profile "Words That Change Minds". 

I am a Certified Trainer and Master Trainer of these tools. Since I started to learn these tools in 2003, I had over 9,000 hours of additional training. 

Most importantly, it is important to me that people learn these tools to be able to make the changes at their subconscious level and to be able to create their life the way they deserve and deserve. 

Everyone can learn to change beliefs, behaviours, and make their dreams a reality!

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Get To Yes With NLP

$18 USD

    • Videos Modules 
    • PDF Manual
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    • Easy Explanations of the patterns
    • Access to our Facebook Group to network with likeminded people like you
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